Wow…. it's like we were in many ways, living the same life. I was very much on auto-pilot almost in zombie mode, just living my life everyday, just enough to get by. To do the things I “had to do” or was “expected of me to do”. I was blissfully unaware of how miserable I was because I believed my own lie I was living but had no idea.
For you it sounds like a trip to rehab that facilitated the awakening of your true-self. For me it was the physical encounter of my other self in this 3D incarnation (aka twin flame). He held the mirror to my soul and I saw the good, the bad and the ugly. I questioned EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in my life. Nothing made sense. The more self-aware I became, the more I saw I was torturing myself with a life that was not genuine. I'm stuck looping in #2, still in a unhappy marriage due to kids and financial reasons. At this point we are just cohabiting sleeping in different rooms. I even left for a year, but had to come back painfully.
My thirst for spiritual knowledge has been unquenchable, taking it all in as much as I can. Internet, YouTube, books, retreats, etc. My understanding of the metaphysical has grown much faster than my soul lessons of self-love and personal boundaries.
I applaud all that you have been able to accomplish because I have been in your shoes, I know how dark it can feel at those low moments. You are an inspiration and I'm grateful that we have connected here.
Sending hugs and love your way!