I absolutely loved all of this! I lived much of my adult life on auto-pilot, just going through the motions of my everyday life. The idea of meditation or yoga were very much a foreign concept to me. In the last few years, my journey of life has taken a sharp turn, and what was elusive or unattainable before has now become possible in my conscious awareness. Meditation has been one of the things I have embraced fully, however yoga still has not been something I have practiced.
The thoughts of the "yoga pretzel" with "strange" poses still floods my mind. Images of me trying to obtain balance on one foot with my body in a weird position has dissuaded me from trying it in the first place since all I could see was me falling. Funny, I can now see that as a metaphor for my journey, seeking balance and afraid to fall. Maybe embracing this will help me in other areas too. You have inspired me to give it a try. Thank you!
- Stacey 😊