Awakening to the Knowing of Faith

With the understanding of knowing how faith evolves, you can learn and adapt to believe and trust in yourself more.

Embracing Awakening
4 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash

Circumstances surrounding the events of a spiritual awakening cannot be anticipated or planned for by our logical mind and ego. When the time is right and you are spiritually ready, it will find you whether you think that you are prepared for it in your physical reality or not. For most of us, in the beginning of this process, you usually feel that you are not.

Using myself as an example, I can easily say that I was beyond not ready and extremely overwhelmed by the emotions, the feelings, and the confusion of what I have always known in my life, but during that time, I started to question everything. I didn’t even know who I was anymore as I felt that my entire identity was crashing down into the rubble of an imploded building.

In hindsight, it makes perfect sense, since I was beginning to peel away the layers of my ego, unlearning everything that I was “taught” in my life about who I was as a person and who I was expected to be, deconstructing the mask that I portrayed to others unknowingly. It’s a shock to your system when you have lived your whole life thinking of yourself one way, but realizing it was either a lie you told yourself or only an…



Embracing Awakening

Consciously choosing to embrace all aspects of the awakening journey and share my experiences along the way.