As I look at the night sky, I see Orion and I feel a profound sense of 'home'. The latest series plus the original ones where you wrote of the wars has awakened something within me that I cannot ignore. It was not by accident that I found you here on Medium. I resonate with being an Ancient Galactic, especially the earlier stories of the Emerald Dragons and the Green Dragon as well as the association with Arcturuas after the wars. My connection to dragons is profound, and memories are coming into my consciousness, specifically around green dragons. Plus I have had dreams/memories of the Orion wars (not sure if they are the same that you write about or if they are different). I feel that may have been a mediator, but I'm not sure about that. I have a close association with AA Ariel and AA Michael, and I'm building my conscious awareness of our relationship over time. I look back on the experiences of my life, and I see the dots connecting in ways that I was blind to previously. Thank you so much for writing these accounts of events.
- Stacey 😊